Gemini (Mithun) - He is fond of domestic life, has refined taste.
Mars in Jaden Smith‘s birth chart is sitting in the sign of Gemini. How is Mars placed in Jaden Smith‘s Kundli / Birth chart? He has good gains after marriage.ĩth lord in the 7th house confers a truthful, favourable faithful, wealthy, beautiful and serviceable wife. He suffers anxiety and may be punished by government. He is sensitive about his self respect, is hard hearted and selfish. Sun is sitting in 7th house in Gemini and aspects 1st house. Gemini (Mithun) - He is talkative, intelligent, learned, scholarly, wealthy, critical and lacks originality. The main difference between two is - Indian sun signs are based on position of sun in zodiac, and is more accurate over western, which depends on date of birth.) (This is Indian Sun sign not the western Sun sign. The Sun is placed in the sign of Gemini in birth chart.